Standard &Poor’sR atingsServiceslow ered itsoutlook on France’sA A creditratingtonegativefrom stableFriday,castingdoubt ontheeffectiveness of President FranoisH ollande’s flagshippolicies andw arningthatpublicfinancesm ay deteriorateaseconom icgrow thdisappoints.
标准普尔评级服务机构10日将法国A A主权信用评级展望由稳定下调至负面,对法国总统奥朗德的核心政策的有效性提出质疑,并警告在经济增长放缓的同时公共财政状况可能恶化。(《华尔街日报》)
“W e believe that,due topolicyim plem enta-tionriskrelatedtothebudgetaryconsolidationandstructural reform s,a recoveryof the Frencheconom ycouldprove elusive andthat France’spublic finances m ight deterioratebeyond2014,althoughthis is not our base-casescenario,”itsaidina statem ent.
T hechangeintheoutlook com esastheFrench governm ent itself acknow ledgesthatw eak econom icgrow th hasunderm ined itsbudget plansandthebudget deficit w ill runhigher thanprom isedearlier this year.
O fficial figuresfrom theB ank of Franceshow edthat theFrencheconom ydidnot growat all inthesecondquarter,andfor thethirdquarter it is forecastinggrow thof 0.2%.
T heFrench governm ent confirm edat thestart of them onth that it w ouldnot cut itspublic deficit as fast as it hadprom isedits EUpartnersduetow eaker thanexpectedgrow thandinflation. T hegovernm ent now expects thedeficit tofall inline w ithanEU -m andatedtar-get of 3percent of econom ic output in2017in-steadof 2015as previouslyprom ised.
S& P projects that the Frenchgovernm ent’s deficits w ill average4.1% betw een2014and2017—com pared to 3 .2% asof A pril thisyear—w hile econom ic grow thw ill average just1.2% duringthat sam etim efram e,agrow thprojectionthat is 0.1% low er thantheir priorforecast.
T he further deteriorationof S& P’s assess-m ent of France’s finances com es at adifficultm om ent for M r. H ollande. W ithopinionpollsshow ingheis theleast popular president,theSocialist leader’s governm ent faces oppositionon all sidesto hisplansto repairpublicfinances andbuoythe econom yafter aprolong-edperiodof stagnation.
S& Psaidthat M r. H ollande’s unpopularityandthe vocal oppositiontohis fiscal andecon-om icplansm ayslow dow nactiononfinancesandliberalizinghighlyregulatedareasof theeconom y. T hecountryalreadylacksastrongrecord forcarrying out painful reform s,theratings firm noted.“W e believe that im plem enta-tionrisks persist,”S& Psaid.
F rench F inanceMinisterMichel Sapinreactedquicklytothem ovefrom S& P . Inastatem ent,hesaidFrenchdebt rem ains oneofthesafest andm ost liquidinvestm entsinthew orld . H ealso said thatF rancew ouldn’tchangeitseconom icstrategy.“T heeconom icsituationis w eighingonour budget balances,but thegovernm ent has decidedtosticktoitscourse,”M r. Sapinsaid.
S& P w asthefirstof thethreem ajorratings firm s tostripFrance of the toptriple-Arating in January 2012,justbefore Mr.H ollandecam eto office. Sincethen,bothM oody’s Investors ServiceandFitch R atingshave follow edsuit andS& P dow ngradedFranceagaininN ovem ber last year toA A from A A +.
2012年1月,就在奥朗德执政前夕,标普成为三大国际评级机构中第一个下调法国3A评级的评级机构。此后,穆迪和惠誉也纷纷下调法国评级。去年11月,标普进一步将法国评级由A A +下调至A A。(《华尔街日报》) (廖冰清 编译)